Holly Middleton-Spencer (University of Birmingham)

Abrikosov lattice formation in mixed real-synthetic dimensional condensates

The recent advent of synthetic dimensions in cold atomic systems has been fascinating, with a multitude of high-impact publications in the last few years. With the recent vast improvements of experimental capabilities in synthetic dimensional physics, now is the time to propose and explore mixed real-synthetic dimensional condensates.

In this talk, we will first explore the definition and implementation of synthetic dimensions in cold atomic systems. We will then use these techniques to quantify the structure of cold atoms trapped within an optical lattice with a combination of one real and one synthetic dimension, and the vortex lattices that appear. We will finally build upon everything discussed in the talk to present our current research in modelling a one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate with an extra synthetic dimension, akin to a coupled wire setup. Here, we will present the first work in the formation of Abrikosov lattices that will form within such a condensate.